Saturday, August 21, 2010

And skills develop...

I have been using fondant on fondant, and on icing and everything in between. I have tried drying it out, getting it wet, rolling it, smashing it, you name it. I have spent hours working with it and reading about it to learn how to master this mysterious devil. I have definitely learned a lot along the way.

Biggest, most important lesson - marshmallow fondant is not only easier to work with but much much more tasty than the old fashioned stuff. When I thought about it before, I would invision wedding cakes with .5 inches of fondant covering the delicious cake underneath. Like having brussel sprouts on top of potato chips. Why make the outside so unattractive to the palate? I get that it looks pretty, but I want to eat it too. Doesn't that make more sense???

So, I'm pretty much settled on only marshmallow fondant (with the occasional flavoring added for extra yum!) So now the issue is which cake recipe. I have baked so many cakes in the last few weeks, I could probably give a starving nation diabetes. Seriously. It's getting a little out of hand.

But, living up to my name, I have discovered the basic chemistry of a cake and found that the addition or substution of ingredients makes a huge difference. I also have discovered how to rescue a cake or icing recipe that would otherwise be a failure. And so my education continues....

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